Monday, March 24, 2014

Professional Employee Characteristics

Professionalism is essential in the business and non business world and it reaches so much farther than simply dressing up for work.  Chris Joseph and J. L. Dowey both agreed that professionalism extends past the formal meeting setting.   They discussed professionalism and how it can define an individual.  First, professionals display confidence but lack cockiness (Joseph).  Second, professionals display qualities of honesty and integrity (Dowey).
            Confident employees excel in a business environment.  Individuals of influence need to exhibit confidence in order to persuade others to join them in ideas, thoughts, or plans.   Confidence is an attractive quality to have but can be over-shadowed by arrogance.   Being polite and well-spoken while interacting with customers, superiors, or co-workers is essential (Joseph). 
            Characteristic traits of honesty and integrity will show that employers can trust their employees.  Those that never compromise their values will do the right thing even when it means taking the harder road (Dowey).  Those that keep their word will be a huge asset to a company and will be highly respected by their co-workers.
            These qualities are not only important in the business world but also in all non business settings we may be in.  Confidence will carry an individual a long way but can be taken as arrogance if displayed in the wrong way.  Honesty and integrity will allow others to trust their employees and allow opportunities for growth.   When an individual can posses characteristic traits of professionalism, that individual will have the keys to succeed in any business setting they will find themselves in.

Dowey, J. L. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tips for Team Effectiveness

Team effectiveness is crucial in the business world and is also extremely important in all aspects of our lives.  George N. Root III and researchers from Melbourne Law School separately suggested several important factors that illustrate effectiveness in a team setting.  First, open communication will open many doors to success within a group.  Second,  clear expectations of each group member will increase efficiency.
Open communication will lead to positive relationships and trust.  Trust takes time to develop, but once it is broken, it is nearly impossible to repair by the project competition date.   To maintain the effective environment within each group, members should avoid talking negatively about others in their group.  Open communication will make the group successful. (Root, 2014).
Organizing material and setting clear expectations of all group members will increase effectiveness.   Once all members understand their role in the group and what their goals are, less time is wasted.  Once that is established, the group will function smoothly without need for intervention (Tips for Effective Teamwork).
These tips will help with team effectiveness are not only beneficial in the business world but also in every group settings.  Open communication will create opportunities for growth of each group member as well by strengthening the project results.  Organization will help outline each member’s responsibilities.  Although these are only a few tips to build team effectiveness, they are great foundation pieces to start each group working in the right direction. 

Root, George N. "Characteristics of Effective Teamwork." Small Business. Demand
Media, n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.

"Legal Academic Skills Centre." Tips for Effective Teamwork. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.